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The What, How & Why of CHAKRAS

Updated: Nov 26, 2017

(briefly summarised obvs!)

CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word meaning “Wheel", describing the constantly revolving wheels of energy swirling between the physical & subtle bodies, acting like a transducer for Prana, life-force energy. They distribute Prana & are a source of physical, emotional, mental & spiritual energies.

Traditionally, there are seven main chakras associated with the physical body.

+ Root (base of the spine)

+ Sacral (lower abdomen)

+ Solar Plexus

+ Heart

+ Throat

+ Third Eye (centre of the forehead)

+ Crown (top of the head)

When these get out of balance, or blocked, the energy cannot flow freely, which can lead to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease. This dis-ease can manifest in different ways, over various timings, but once unblocked & a clear channel is present the energy can flow freely & optimum health can be enjoyed.

Being in tune with your natural constitution, your base line state, allows you to detect these subtle changes & adjust a few things before the issue becomes more serious.

Take time to check in with yourself regularly, a daily yoga practice is great for this, & and give yourself a chance to notice how you are feeling at that time.

Each chakra is associated with specific colours. If you find yourself drawn to a particular colour, crystal or food type . . . perhaps search a little deeper to what this might mean for you.

Energy is ALL AROUND US and its does not lie!!

ROOT - Represents our foundation & feeling of being grounded.

+ Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.

+ Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, & food.

+ Physical issues: Adrenal glands, fight or flight response, bones & skeletal structure.

+ Signs of Balance

* Grounded

* Secure

* Safe

* Content

+ Symptoms of Imbalance

* Ungrounded

* Unclear of Purpose

* Fearful

* Insecure

* Confused

+ Healing practices to try: Stomping your feet can help you feel more grounded. Also Bridge pose or the Full Wheel if you can will help as well.

+ Healing Foods

* Red fruits and Vegetables such as apples or beets

* Hot spices such as Cayenne or Tabasco

* Vegetables from the ground such as potatoes or carrots

* Animal proteins such as red meat or eggs

+ Crystals associated with this chakra

* Bloodstone

* Garnet

* Red Agate

* Red Aventurine

* Red Jasper

SACRAL - Our connection & ability to accept others and new experiences.

+ Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.

+ Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.

+ Physical Issues: Sexual functions, elimination & water retention

+ Signs of Balances

* Smooth Creative Flow

* Healthy Sexual Desire

* Positive Outlook

+ Symptoms of Imbalance

* Sexual Problems or Dis-function

* Fear of Sexual or Emotional Intimacy

* Infidelity

* Needy or Withdrawn

+ Healing practices to try: Doing Pelvic thrusts and the Cobra yoga pose may help

+ Healing foods

* Orange coloured foods such as tangerines & oranges

* Nuts

+ Crystals associated with this chakra:

* Carnelian

* Citrine

* Orange Calcite

* Milky Quartz

* Moonstone

SOLAR PLEXUS - Our ability to be confident & in-control of our lives.

+ Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.

+ Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.

+ Physical issues: Digestion, assimilation & muscles

+ Signs of Balance:

* Comfortable in Own Skin

* Inner Peace

* Confidence Without Arrogance

* Calm Demeanour

* Patient & Flexible

+ Symptoms of Imbalance

* Feeling Abandoned or Rejected or Feeling the World Revolves Around You

* Low Self-Esteem or Arrogant, Egotistical Behaviour.

* Nervousness

* Difficulty Understanding or Controlling Emotions

* Rebellious or Too Eager to Please

* Addictive Behaviours Including Eating Disorders

+ Healing practices to try: Dancing & shaking your hips can help as well as doing the Boat pose.

+ Healing Foods

* Yellow coloured foods like corn

* Grains & fibre like granola & whole wheat bread

* Teas like peppermint & chamomile tea

+ Crystals Associated with this chakra

* Amber

* Citrine

* Golden Topaz

* Sunstone

* Yellow Calcite

HEART - Our ability to love.

+ Location: Centre of chest just above heart.

+ Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.

+ Physical issues: Electromagnetic field generator, blood pressure & immune system.

+ Signs of Balance

* Able to Express Love

* Giving

* Compassionate

* Joyful

* Content

+ Symptoms of Imbalance

* Unable to Give or Receive Unconditional Love

* Selfish, Jealous & Hateful

* Grief Stricken

* Excessive Loneliness & Depression

+ Healing practices to try: While trying a heated yoga class may help, simply opening yourself up to giving & receiving love is the best way to heal this chakra.

+ Healing foods

* Green coloured foods like leafy vegetables & spinach

* Green tea

+ Crystals associated with this chakra

* Chrysocolla

* Malachite

* Moss Agate

* Pink Tourmaline

* Rose Quartz

THROAT - Our ability to communicate.

+ Location: Throat.

+ Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.

+ Physical issues: Metabolism & Calcium regulation

+ Signs of Balance

* Effective Communication Skills

* Expressive & Good Listener

* Patient & Honest

* Receptive to Criticism

+ Symptoms of Imbalance

* Poor Communication Skills

* Afraid to Speak Up/Represses Feelings

* Deceitful &Manipulative

* Shy or Talks Excessively

* Unable to Listen

+ Healing practices to try: Doing Shoulder stand can help & also singing

+ Healing foods

* Juices & teas

* All types of fruits

+ Crystals associated with this chakra

* Aquamarine

* Chrysocolla

* Lapis Lazuli

* Sodalite

* Turquoise

THIRD EYE - Our ability to focus on & see the big picture.

+ Location: Forehead between the eyes

+ Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think & make decisions.

+ Physical issues: Hormonal & physiological regulation

+ Signs of balance

* Intuitive

* Fast Learner

* Clear Memory

* Intelligent

* Sense of Spirituality

+ Symptoms of imbalance

* Judgemental

* Over Intellectualizing

* Lacks Intuition & Common Sense

* Forgetful

* Sleep/Dream/Nightmare Issues

+ Healing practices to try: Eye exercises or any kind of yoga pose involving forward bends.

+ Healing food

* Purple coloured fruits like grapes & blueberries

* Chocolate (dark)

* Lavender flavoured spices or tea

+ Crystals associated with this chakra

* Amethyst

* Blue Quartz

* Lepidolite

* Purple Flourite

* Sodalite

CROWN - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.

+ Location: The very top of the head.

+ Emotional issues: Inner & outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.

+ Physical issues: Circadian rhythms

+ Signs of Balance

* Balanced Spiritual Life

* Feels that Life has Purpose

* Feels a Connection with Others & a Higher Power

* Wise & Insightful

+ Symptoms of Imbalance

* Feelings of Unbalanced Spirituality

* Excessive Fear of Death

* Unclear of Life or Spiritual Purpose

* Feeling Alone in the Universe & Unloved

+ Healing practices to try: The seemingly opposite practices of meditation or running/cardio could help.

+ Healing foods

* As this chakra represents our spiritual connection it does not benefit from particular foods, instead breathing clean, fresh air and sunshine.

+ Crystals associated with this chakra

* Clear Quartz

* Diamond

* Lepidolite

* Moonstone

* Purple Fluorite

Check my YouTube for little Chakra flow

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