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More than just moving your asana

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

Just think for a moment, how did you come to yoga? 

Yoga often enters people's lives as an alternative workout, a way to stretch and recover after other activities, a gentle way to ease back into exercise after injury or childbirth, and has also just become very fashionable #onfleek But this physical side of yoga, the practice of postures and asanas is really only a small part of "YOGA" and the "YOGI CODE". Building discipline with a daily mat time not only helps with your progress in flexibility and strength but also in developing a routine, something which can be built on or around and into your day.  Daily practice is the goal, but sometimes it just isn't possible 🤷🏼‍♀️ So people give up. "nope Yogas just not for me!" There is no time for daily physical asana practice, so there is no time for yoga. WRONG!! Yoga is so much more than just the Sun Salutations, a few twists and a little pincha practice. Read on to be enlightened . . .  The Yoga Code The word Yoga means "yoke" or "union" of mind, body and breath. Although in the western world it falls into the category of "workout", it should in fact be viewed as a "lifestyle". There are 8 limbs of Yoga, all with equal importance and usefulness in living a wholesome, balanced and well life. These were described by Pantanjali's Sutra's and form Raja Yoga. Below I have briefly summarised the 'code' but if you are interested I encourage you to explore more.

In a nutshell these are translated as follows

1) Yamas are your ethics, rules for how you should behave and interact with the outside world

2) Niyamas are your virtues, how you should interact with your self and your inner world 

3) Asanas are the physical postures and practice to keep your body fit and healthy

4) Pranayama is the practice of correct breathing, learning how and when to use certain breath techniques and keeping the "Prana" or life force flowing

5) Pratyhara is your awareness

6) Dharana is your concentration through meditation and obsessive focus

7) Dhyana is your reflection internally 

8) Samadhi is complete bliss or enlightenment through achieving successful union of all 8 limbs of the yoga path

The Yamas and Niyamas are also broken down further into 5 limbs of their own The Yamas: 5 Moral restraints 1) Ahimsa- Non-violence, no harm to self or others, including nature 2) Satya - Non-illusion, truthfulness

3) Asteya - Non-stealing, not taking was is not yours 4) Brahmacrya - Not being excessive, moderation 5) Aparigraha - Non-hoarding, generosity, sharing The Niyamas: A code of virtues and behaviour  1) Sausa - Purity, cleanliness of body and mind, thinking pure thoughts 2) Santosa - Contentment, satisfaction with what you have 3) Tapas - Self-discipline, austerity, zeal for life 4) Svadhyaya - Self-study, study of the ancient texts 5) Isvara-Pranidhara - Devotion to a higher power, surrender

A reminder that we are ALL CONNECTED - street art from Ubud, Bali

Usually these rules generate a lifestyle that includes regular exercise (especially yoga), healthy diet (plant based, ethical and sustainable), having no more than you need and being open to receive (de-cluttering and mindfulness), taking time out to ensure both your mind and body are well and fit. This sounds like something that is sold to us in many other shapes and sizes, and as it's come from something over 3,000 years old surely it's worth a try!                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * I hope you can take something from this to help inspire you to give Yoga a go, or maybe a second chance. To see that it is more than the physical asana practice  and actually a lifestyle outlined in a way that can be applied to all.  Maybe you will be intrigued to learn more. I'd love to know your thoughts so please do comment below

Love & Light xxx

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